Telehealth appointments can be requested for established Heartland Health Services patients. Telehealth appointments are available Monday through Friday, during regular clinic hours. Please fill out the Contact Us form below to request a telehealth appointment.
If you are a new patient, please call 309-680-7600 to schedule a new patient visit with one of our primary care clinicians.
Telehealth appointments are beneficial for non-urgent issues such as:
Generalized Pain Shoulder or back pain Insect bite Arthritic pain
Allergies/Hypersensitivity Minor allergic reactions Seasonal allergies Hives Asthma
Gastrointestinal Constipation Diarrhea Mild abdominal pain Mild vomiting Acid reflux Nausea |
Infections/Skin Irritations Scrapes and minor cuts Rash Skin Irritation/dermatitis Minor skin infections Minor burns Canker sores Cold sores Minor bruising Athlete's foot/toe fungus Pink eye Stye Impetigo Fingernail/toenail issue Acne Eczema |
Head/Upper Respiratory Cold Flu Cough COVID-19 Sinus Earaches Fever Headaches (mild) Sore throat Swimmer's ear Bronchitis
Urogenital Vaginal yeast infections |